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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exercise and kids

My little man is only 3 months old, so I am still trying to lose most of my baby weight. I am about 50-50 when it comes to exercising. 50% of the time, I want to exercise the other time I don’t. I always feel better after exercising, but it seems like I lack the motivation or my kids are in the way making it hard to do what I need to do.

A few things I am working on in order to drop those unwanted pounds are:

  1. Exercise while the kids are sleeping, eating, or otherwise distracted. Sometimes I will get the scissors out for my kids and let them “craft” while I exercise. As long as you don’t mind cleaning up small pieces of paper, scissors are a great distracter
  2. Get your husband on board. I will put on my exercise DVD and my hubby will wrestle with the kids or take them into another room and play while I am working out.
  3.  Get those kids out there exercising with you. I found a really cool park that has a walking trail that is wide enough to have bikes and my stroller. Get the kids out running while you push the baby in the stroller. That way everyone is getting exercise AND you just might tucker those kids out enough to get a good nap that day!
I can lose my temper if my kids get in the way of my exercise, mostly because it is not my favorite thing to do.

What are some ways you get your exercise with your kid’s home? I can always use the suggestions, so what do you do to drop those unwanted pounds?

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