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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

stupid computer problems

I don't know why I can't upload pictures from my hubby's laptop! It's so darn annoying! I have so many posts in my head and can't share them because they're only fun with pictures!!!! Oh well. Don't give up on me, I'm trying to figure this out!!

In the mean time a few cute quotes/stories from my kids:

We were talking about how my kids need to start getting back on the school routine, I said something like, "We can't stay up late anymore because pretty soon Buddy is going to have to wake up early!"

He said, "I know and I hate being woken up in the middle of the night to go to school!"

One of the days we were on vacation for Christmas my Princess went out with her Beesha to get Beesha's hair cut. My Princess enjoys spending one-on-one time with people. While they were gone, Beesha asked her if she had gotten gifts for her brothers. I had thought about having them buy gifts for each other, but quickly pushed it out of my mind.

But she went to a store with Beesha to buy her brothers a gift. After Beesha convincing my Princess that maybe her big brother didn't want a sparkly wand or that little brother didn't want a mirror, she decided on their gifts.

Christmas eve rolled around and she was so excited for them to open them that she didn't even care that they didn't get her anything. It was so touching to see how excited she was to give them something just from her. When she gave them their gifts, she said, "Buddy, I got this present just for you!"

He opened the gift and he gave her the biggest hug ever. It made this mommy tear up.

That night we found some nail polish we were planning to put in her stocking for him to wrap up. He was so excited for her to open it that he had her open it very first. They, once again, gave each other a huge hug! I love that my kids love each other so much and that they want to do things for their siblings with no expectations in return.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet. I love that they got each other presents!


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