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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


 I don't know why this picture is blurry, but I love it and I love her sweet smile!!

I will be the first to admit that I never really wanted to have a daughter. I told Oswald before we ever got married that I wanted a house full of boys. I grew up with 4 brothers and one sister. Up to that point, I had never been very close with my sister. Plus, I knew how girls treated each other. I knew the influx of hormones that comes with girls.

Let's be honest. I was not the best daughter I could have been. I got slapped by my mother in front of my best friend when I was a Junior in High School because I was back talking. Totally embarrassing (but I deserved it)!

Oswald on the other hand, wanted a house full of girls. He wanted daughters. He couldn't explain why, but he did. He grew up in a house with two sisters. He knew girls. He understood girls.

So you can understand my surprise when I find out I'm pregnant with #2 and I am hoping with everything in my body that this baby is a girl. I wanted to make hair bows and paint walls purple. I wanted girlie things, not just balls and drums and toy cars.

My Princess arrived and she was everything I wanted and more. She was perfect for me. The right mix of girlie and athletic. She wrestles like a boy and loves like a girl. She plays with her brothers and loves on her Daddy. She loves to wear a skirt while riding her bike and must have her finger nails painted to shoot hoops. She's fantastic.

Once she really started getting mobile, I realized she is my best girl friend. I would set her on my lap and tell her all of my secrets. I would confide in her things I would tell to a bff. So I started calling her my "best girl".

"Good night, best girl, I love you."

"How's my best girl?"

Not long ago, she started referring to me as her best friend. My heart swells inside when she calls me "best friend".

"Good night, best friend. I love you, best friend."

"Will you paint my nails, best friend?"

I never tire of those two words because I know one day I might not be her best friend anymore. I dread that day, but I also know that she'll grow out of that faze and be my best friend again.

Because, let's face it, this story mirrors my mom and me. There was a time when she wasn't my best friend, but now she is. I'm thankful I can call her my "best friend" and that my "best girl" calls me her "best friend."
Me and my mom, June 2010. I'm pregnant with my little man...

1 comment:

  1. you and your momma are so cute!

    Girls do have such a special place! Love mine--most days! lol


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