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Monday, March 28, 2011

Rainy Day Fun

We've had quite a few rainy days here in North Georgia. Like torrential downpour. This weekend we were given a healthy dose of rain DURING our Young Women fundraiser for Girls Camp. We were having a garage sale...let's just say that rain makes having a garage sale difficult. (more on that in another post)

When it rains I try to get more and more creative with my kids. Instead of just letting them turn on the TV, I try to find other things for them to do.

1. We paint. My mother-in-law bought my kids some Crayola Washable Paint as part of their Christmas present. This paint has be a huge hit in our home. What my kids love, they get to paint, make a mess, and be creative. What I love is that this paint washes out of their clothes!! No JOKE, it washes out so easily!

2. We play games. When the baby goes down for his naps, we get out the cards and board games our kids got for Christmas. They play go-fish and Uno very well. Plus, Candyland. In my mind these games are also teaching them things; numbers, matching, taking turns, colors, rotation of playing, and also being patient while another person has their turn. All important things for 3-5 year-olds to learn.

3. We make forts. I get out blankets and sheets and make a fort out of their bunk beds. They have a blast when they get to pretend they're on a rocket ship or pretend they're on the movie Transformers. I love seeing their imaginations run wild and free.

So next time it rains or snows give some of these fun things a try. You'll be surprised at how much your kids appreciate doing things with you!

I want to know, what do you do with your kids when the weather is not nasty?

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