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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A little yard makeover

I wish I had befote pictures of our yard. Think dried up Sahara desert. Then add two big huge enormous trees into the mix and you probanly have a good description.
About two months ago we talked with our landlord about about getting the trees removed, so we could have an actual front yard that had grass. The trees sucked up all the moisture from the yard, so the frass never grew.
One day I was out running errands and the trees were just gone, left in their place were big piles of wood chips. About a month ago, our landlord said sod would be put down soon. Did we ever seen anyone?
Did we have sod?
The just last Saturday after the Braves game, we came home to a yard completely prepped for sod. It was crazy!
Then yesterday two men pull up and start laying sod. They finish the last pieces as it starts to pour ourside!
But the results are phenomenal.  It looks amazing!  We will have to water the day lights out of it,  but to have some really awesome grass soon will be so wonderful!
As for now, I am enjoying the rain that is watering my grass for free!!!!

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